ART CLUB - Creative Minds at Work
The Art Club in St.Joseph’s PU Evening College promotes the hidden talents in students related to all the Art activities. The Students have actively taken part in various activities conducted by the Art Club.
Objectives of Art Club
- On 5th June 2014, we the Staff and Students observed World Environment Day. Students exhibited their talents by making posters and painting. The theme of the day was `Save Environment’. The Students also participated in Collage competition conducted on the same theme.
- On Independence Day, students submitted pictures, Art works (Painting and Sketches) on the theme `Independent India’ as a part of the celebration.
- The Art Club always takes initiative in promoting the Artistic skills among the students. Students submit their Art works regularly, be it sketches, paintings, poetry or creative writing, which are displayed on the College Notice Board.
Dramatics Club - Fine Actors is Making
- Dramatics club of the institution has been actively conducting various programmes which are informative, resourceful and academically students’ oriented. They help the student to formulate their mind sets and come out with creative part of their own. The students, too, have been actively and creatively participating in the activities conducted by the Dramatics Club.
- The club, in association with SAMVADA, had organized ‘DURGI’, a one man show, which showcased the plight of the women in the present day society. The play was followed by a discussion with the students. The students participated in the discussion enthusiastically. ‘MY FAIR LADY’, a film based on one of the greatest playwrights of English literature, Barnad Shaw’ PYGMALION was show to the students so that they enhance their communication skills and their pronunciation.
- Theatre Training skills was conducted by Mr. Bhaskar, Lecturer, Department of Kannada and one of the members of the club, for three sessions. The students were given the skills and techniques of the theatre and the skills of acting. Akira Kurosava’s ‘DREAMS’ was show to all the classes to make them understand the significance of nature and their responsibility towards the conservation of nature. The students were delighted to watch and they expressed their willingness to save the nature.
- An One Man Show was organized in association with ‘Break Through’, an NGO, which work on Human Rights to make the students learn the incidents of woman harassment taking place in the society. Jyothi from SAMVADA enacted the play and later had a discussion with the children. The students actively participated in the discussion.
- The club is conducting rehearsal of ‘Watch of the Lake’, a skit from 1st PUC text to enact on the college day.
It is a voluntary group which promotes the participants of students learning about improving their environment.
Objectives of Eco Club
- To involve Eco-club students in open orientation programmes in college and public areas.
- To create awareness of bio - diversity conservation and local environmental issues among students.
- To create a clean and green consciousness among students through various methods.
Students in SJPUEC are initially invited to take the membership of Eco-club to help with environmental activities.
Several environmental competitions have been organized for club members. On June 5th 2014 Drawing and painting competitions were organized on topic `Save Environment’. Collage competition was organized on topic `Save Tigers’.
These kinds of competitions encourage the students and boost their environmental involvement.
For Teachers it was a wonderful opportunity to create awareness, build attitude and help students to participate in environmental activities.
ART CLUB - Creative Minds at Work
The Art Club in St.Joseph’s PU Evening College promotes the hidden talents in students related to all the Art activities. The Students have actively taken part in various activities conducted by the Art Club.
Objectives of Art Club
- On 5th June 2014, we the Staff and Students observed World Environment Day. Students exhibited their talents by making posters and painting. The theme of the day was `Save Environment’. The Students also participated in Collage competition conducted on the same theme.
- On Independence Day, students submitted pictures, Art works (Painting and Sketches) on the theme `Independent India’ as a part of the celebration.
- The Art Club always takes initiative in promoting the Artistic skills among the students. Students submit their Art works regularly, be it sketches, paintings, poetry or creative writing, which are displayed on the College Notice Board.
Objectives of Literary Club
- Literary Club is meant to promote learning of the language and provide opportunities for interaction between learner and the teacher, which is vital for making learning of the English language easier and enjoyable. This club mainly focuses on the development of core competencies of English language i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The activities are designed to develop vocabulary, fluency in the language, to develop linguistic competence, sharpen creativity and trigger thinking. These activities invoke the spirit of innovation, power of visualisation, creativity as well as the ability to research accurately.
The club will focus on the following activities:
Collage Making Competition
Essay Writing
Preparing Advertisement
Debate / Group Discussion
Film / Documentary Review (Oral / Written)
Story telling
Story Writing
Spell Bee
Quiz Club
Quiz Club
- St.Joseph’s PU Evening College has special clubs for students to discover and develop their latent potentials.
Clubs are available for variety of activities.
- Quiz club has been formed with the objective to train the students to actively participate in various inter-collegiate and state level competitions.
- Quiz Club is to update the knowledge of the students in various fields like academic, General Knowledge, Analytical abilities, Quantitative reasoning, etc.
- Quiz programs are conducted at regular intervals during each academic year for the betterment of students.
- This year we have conducted two quiz competitions namely, Life of St.Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus and Current events.
- Awards and certificates are distributed to the winners during the College Day Celebrations.