The Inter class sports event was held on 6th November 2022 (Sunday) at St Joseph's Boys High School, with the esteem support of Rev. Fr. Roshan David Pereria SJ,Director of SJPUEC, Mr. Victor Antony, Principal, Ms. Nirma D'Souza, Vice Principal and the entire fraternity of SJPUEC. There were 2 main Activities/ Events conducted for the students to explore their skills, namely: Events Participants Cricket Boys and Girls Throwball Girls Boys Crickets match Winners and Runners 2nd SEBA (WINNERS) 1st SEBA (RUNNERS) Girls Crickets match Winners and Runners 1st PUC (WINNERS) 2nd PUC (RUNNERS) Girls Throwball match Winners and Runners 2st PUC (WINNERS) 1nd PUC (RUNNERS)