- The warning bell for the class is given at 5.10 p.m., five minutes before the commencement of the class. Students should be in their respective classrooms before the second bell. When a lecturer enters the class, the students must rise and remain standing until they are instructed to sit down.
- Students must not loiter on the corridors and quadrangle during class hours.
- No student is allowed to leave the lecture hall without the lecturer’s permission or until the class is dismissed.
- Students are not permitted to smoke on the College campus. They are liable to disciplinary action (even dismissal) if found smoking on the campus.
- Disciplinary action will be taken against any student found in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Students are forbidden to bring fire crackers and colours to the campus.
- Insubordination, habitual inattention, neglect of work, unbecoming language or conduct, obscenity in word or deed render a student liable to temporary suspension or permanent dismissal.
- Boys and girls are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and maturity. In the inter relationships, they must observe norms of decency and propriety.
- The campus must be kept clean at all times. Littering with sweet wrappers, waste paper, defacing the walls or desks, damaging college property etc., are offences. Every class under the guidance of the class leader will be responsible for the cleanliness of the room allotted to it.
- Though the college is not responsible for the conduct of its students outside the premises, it will take note of any serious misconduct of a student outside the campus.
- Posters, notices, etc., must not be put up without the permission of the Principal.
- Students attending classes or meeting of the college societies, clubs and associations on the campus are expected to be dressed neatly and have hair styles in conformity with the norms of decency and propriety. Both boys and girls will observe the prescribed dress code for attendance at classes and college functions and outdoors.
- Students are not permitted to sit at the parking space canteen and outdoors during class hours.
- The parking space will function on all working days from 4.30p.m. to 9.00 p.m. The attendant will not bear responsibility for vehicles that are not locked. Any vehicle left on the campus after 9 pm will be handed over to the police station.
- Every student is required to carry his / her identity card to College. The card should be shown to any member of the staff or College officials when asked for, especially when dealing with the office and library.
- Outsiders are not allowed to enter the College during class hours to meet students or to attend the functions. Strict action will be taken on those who bring externs to the functions.
- Association functions and cultural programmed will be held only on holidays, Sundays and before 5.p.m. on class days. Practice for all programmes should be held only on holidays and Sundays.
- No money is to be collected from students without the prior permission of the Principal.
- Books, magazines, Newspapers etc., not approved by the management are not allowed to be brought to the College.
- The Students are not allowed to organize picnics. The College reserves the right to initiate action against the class or group of students who violate this rule.
- Ragging is a major offence and a criminal case. Those who indulge in ragging will be handed over to the police and will face immediate dismissal from the College. No justification in this regard will be acceptable.
- Use of mobiles is not permitted within the campus (For both students as well as staff). Such mobiles will be confiscated.
- Attendance position of the students will be displayed on the notice board during the first week of every month. Those who fail to put in 75% attendance are not eligible to get the Hall Tickets for the Annual Examinations.
- Every student must wear the Identity Card as long as he is in the College campus. The Identity Card is meant for identifying bonafide students and is used for permitting the student to participate in various activities and programmes of the College. It must be produced by the student whenever demanded by a member of the teaching or non-teaching staff of the College. The same goes with college calendar. Students must carry the college calendar every day to the college. Students should maintain their calendars neatly and safely.
- Students must not join clubs or societies or make any engagements during class hours that may interfere with their studies, without the Principal's permission.
- Students are discouraged from using St. Joseph's Boys High School grounds at any time without prior permission of the Principal.
- Apart from attending the College day and Sports day, Students must also attend seminars / workshops / awareness programmes organized by the College.
- The institute forbids its students from using geared motor vehicles without proper license.
- Student council members and class representatives need to have a clean record throughout the academic year. They need to uphold the interest of the Institution at all times.