Annual Athletic Day 2022 Annual Athletic day event held on 27th November 2022 (Sunday) in St Joseph's Boys High School. Chief Guest Ms Hazel Mary Raju (International Throw Ball Player), with the esteem support of Rev. Fr. Roshan David Pereria SJ, Director of SJPUEC, Mr. Victor Antony, Principal, Ms. Nirma D'Souza, Vice Principal, Co-ordinator Mr Shiva Kumar R and the entire fraternity of SJPUEC. The program started at 9:00am with the march past by all the students and college student council team with various clubs and associations, followed by the invocation song by the college choir team and flag hoisting by the chief guest along with director, principal and vice principal. The welcome address was done by the student council member, followed by the chief guest speech Ms Hazel Mary Raju, which inspired all our students and encouraged them to be sportive in their life, after which the declaration of Annual Sports Meet open was done by chief guest and our director Rev. Fr. Roshan David Pereria SJ gave few words on this occasion and made this event memorable to each and everyone, The lighting of the torch was began from the Chief guest along with the Director, Principal, vice principal and Co-ordinator, the light signifies the sportsmen spirit and followed by the oath taking after which the torch was passed it to the college sports secretary and other athlete and ends it by passing it to the sports coordinator. The chief guest felicitation was done by our director Rev. Fr. Roshan David Pereria SJ, Principal, Vice Principal, and sports coordinator. The track event started with 100 meters girls and boys, Second event was Short Put boys and girls, Third event 200 meters track race boys and girls, Fourth event 4*100 meters relay boys and girls, Valedictory function and Prize distribution to the winners